2024 Embro Farm Stock Rules​
Class 1: 9000 lb. Local Farm Tractors: 2WD only, No Duals, No Triples, No Tanks, No Blades, No Loaders, Loader Frames Permitted: 20” Maximum Drawbar Height
Class 2: 10500 lb. Local Farm Tractors: 2WD only, No Duals, No Triples, No Tanks, No Blades, No Loaders, Loader Frames Permitted: 20” Maximum Drawbar Height
Class 3: 12500 lb. Local Farm Tractors: 2WD only, No Duals, No Triples, No Tanks, No Blades, No Loaders, Loader Frames Permitted: 20” Maximum Drawbar Height
Class 4: 15500 lb. Local Farm Tractors: 2WD, FWA, No Duals, No Triples, No Tanks, No Blades, No Loaders, Loader Frames Permitted: 20” Maximum Drawbar Height
Class 5: 18500 lb. Local Farm Tractors: 2WD, FWA, No Duals, No Triples, No Tanks, No Blades, No Loaders, Loader Frames Permitted: 20” Maximum Drawbar Height
Class 6: 22000 lb. Local Farm Tractors: 2WD, FWA, Rear Duals, No Triples, No Tanks, No Blades, No Loaders, Loader Frames Permitted: 22” Maximum Drawbar Height
Class 7: 28000 lb. Local Farm Tractors: 2WD, FWA, Rear Duals, Front Duals, No Triples, No Tanks, No Blades, No Loaders, Loader Frames Permitted: 22” Maximum Drawbar Height
Class 8: 34000 lb. Local Farm Tractors: FWA, 4WD, Rear Duals, Front Duals, Triples, Tracks, No Tanks, No Blades, No Loaders, Loader Frames Permitted: 23” Maximum Drawbar Height
Class 9: 40000 lb. Local Farm Tractors: FWA, 4WD, Rear Duals, Front Duals, Triples, Tracks, No Tanks, No Blades, No Loaders, Loader Frames Permitted: 23” Maximum Drawbar Height
Class 10: 50000 lb. Local Farm Tractors: FWA, 4WD, Rear Duals, Front Duals, Triples, Tracks, No Tanks, No Blades, No Loaders, Loader Frames Permitted: 23” Maximum Drawbar Height
Class 11: 60000 lb. Local Farm Tractors: FWA, 4WD, Rear Duals, Front Duals, Triples, Tracks, No Tanks, No Blades, No Loaders, Loader Frames Permitted: 23” Maximum Drawbar Height
Class 12: Open Weight Local Farm Tractors: FWA, 4WD, Rear Duals, Front Duals, Triples, Tracks, No Tanks, No Blades, No Loaders, Loader Frames Permitted: 23” Maximum Drawbar Height
Max speed in all classes is 15 MPH
Any competitor that exceeds the limit will be automatically disqualified
Classes 1 through 6 will have 2 sets of trophies. Under 6 MPH track speed is considered stock, over 6 MPH is considered “hot stock”. All tractors in a weight class will run together. Track speed will be measured to determine stock or hot stock classification.
Weights are not to extend more than 48” beyond grill in class 1 through 6 (up to 22000lb.), and 65” in classes 7 through 12 (over 22000 lb.). Distance will be measured level flat on the top of weight or weights to the grill, weights must be securely fastened to brackets. All weights must be securely fastened on brackets and NOT in the cab or on the platform (no chains). The weights must not obscure the forward or rear vision of the driver. Weights must not restrict access to the operator station. Weight brackets are to be built to good manufacturing standards and capable of supporting all added weight. Weights must not extend beyond rear tires; quick hitch is ok.
Draw Bar
Draw bar height will be 20” in classes 1 through 5 (up to 18500 lb.), 22” in classes 6 through 7 (18500 lb. - 28000 lb.) and 23" in classes 8 through 12 (over 28000 lb.), measured to top of draw bar or in the case of a hammer strap will be measured to the top of the bottom portion of the hammer strap. The hitch must be rigid in all directions and solidly mounted to the vehicle frame. Minimum drawbar length 18" from center of rear axle.
“D” Ring Hitch: The diameter of the hole is a minimum of 3" wide x 3 ¾” long with a preferred maximum of 3" wide x 4" long at the longest measuring point of the hole. From the rear point of the hole to the rear point of the hitching device is a maximum of 11/2 inch. Tractors using a hammer strap hitch must have a removeable pin and will use an adapter ring. The sled hook must be in a vertical position to be able to pull.
Max RPM 2,900
Random tractors will be checked at the discretion of the track officials
All vehicles will be weighed off on scale after pull is complete.
Each tractor can only pull once in each class. Each tractor can only pull in 2 classes
All drivers must be 16 years of age or older. Any drivers under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian with them at the time of registration.
All drivers of open station tractors must wear a DOT approved helmet.
Tech Official’s Decision Is Final
Any puller misconduct will result in immediate disqualification from the pull. Any consumption of alcohol or drugs is strictly prohibited, a zero-tolerance policy is in effect for all drivers.